Thursday, March 26, 2009

Parental Public Service Post

For all those parents who are desperately looking for the lyrics to the Barney "Cookie Song," because they're tired of their 4-year-olds singing just "COOKIE COOKIE..." at the top of her lungs ... over and over and over ... and would like to at least add a few more words, like "lookie" and "lookie."

This doesn't seem to be posted anywhere else on the internet. I've lookie lookie-ed.

Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
A cookie that I'm going to eat
Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
Yummy and nummy and sweet
First we make 'em
Then we bake 'em.
I can hardly wait until they're done!

Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
Cookies are wonderful fun!

Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
With a glass of milk and a plate
Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
Smelling and tasting great
First we make 'em
Then we bake 'em
Then we decorate them one by one.

Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
Cookies are wonderful fun!

They might be chilly
They might be gooey
Maybe crunchy and munchy when they're done.

Lookie lookie it's a cookie cookie
Cookies are wonderful fun!
Cookies are wonderful fun!
Yum yum!